community n. 1.村社;社会,集体;乡镇,村落;【生物学】群落,群社。 2.共有,共用;共同体,共同组织;联营(机构)。 3.共(通)性;一致(性);类似性。 the European Atomic community欧洲原子能联营。 the European Coal and Steel community欧洲煤钢联营。 community of interests 利害相通。 community of property 财产的共有。 the Jewish community犹太人社会〔一个地区全部犹太人的〕。
Imagined communities tend to beget other imagined communities . then they draw strength from eatch other 想象社区往往招致其他想象团体.然后他们想象从彼此身上吸取力量
This paper probes into the process and functions of the " seventeen - year poem " ideological writing strategy from the perspectives of ethicized rhetoric and imagined community 文章从修辞伦理化和想象“共同体”两个角度,探析“十七年诗歌”意识形态书写策略的运作过程及其功效。
This article traces how the modern chinese " nation " was constructed as an " imagined community " around huang - ti ( the yellow emperor ) in late qing 摘要本文试图藉向黄帝神话在晚清知识界的广泛流传及其与传统黄帝传说的断裂,探索近代中国国族建构的历史过程及其所蕴涵的矛盾与冲突。
The role of the media in constructing group identities is not unique to israel , says dor . " all newspapers are approaching their imagined communities of readers and reflect to them what they already think about themselves 以色列媒体在建构以色列人身分认同的过程中扮演的角色在其他国家也并不少见,铎尔表示。